The Roster

(As Taken From Chapter 3 of J.A. Lumbards Writings)

Up to the 30th of September, our officers had not been announced yet, we had been actually awaiting to hear who the favored ones were to be.  At last the appointments were made, and at roll-call on the morning of November 1st, B. T. Parks called the roll in the following order for the first time. (I have added the officers in order that the company roster may be complete.

Captain      Charles S. Davis
1st  Lieutenant             Nelson Byers
2nd Lieutenant           William H. Schroyer
1st  Sergeant           B. T. Parks
2nd      “                   James E. Lloyd
3rd           “                  George W. Townsend
4th       “                  Henry W. Baker
5th       “                  Franklin M. Stuck

1st  Corporal           Isaac D. Whitmer
2nd       “                  John R. Reigel
3rd        “                 Francis W. Wallace
4th        “                 Frederick B. Ulrich
5th        “                 Henry Shrawder
6th        “                 Jeremiah Malick
7th        “                 Samuel H. Bower
8th        “                 George W. VonNeida
           Lewis C. Schroyer
           Antes Ulrich
App, Solomon                    Millhoff, John
App, Jeremiah                    Miller, Elias
Bingaman, Jno. F.   Moyer, Jeremiah
Churchill, Asa B.    Mull, John
Doebler, Henry J.   Miller, Reuben
Eby, Amantes                     Matter, John
Ehrhart, Daniel                   McFall, William
Fisher, Edward                   Napp, Isaac J.
Fausnacht, W. E.    Nerhood, Jacob
Griggs, George D.   Noll, Elias
Garman, Jacob                   Noaker, George
Gross, Daniel W.    Parks, Calvin E.
Henninger, Win.     Parks, Martin L.
Herbster, Win. H.   Reed, Isaac E.
Herbster, Thomas   Reed, John
Hassinger, Allen     Romig, Levi J.
Hafley, Uriah P.     Reigle, Jacob J.
Herbster, Daniel     Reed, Isaac B.
Haas, John P.                      Schroyer, M. S.
Hathaway, Jere.      Shreffler, Henry E.
Jarrett, Samuel                   Stuck, John K.
Krebbs, Jacob                     Smith, James W.
Keller, William S.   Spade, William
Kreamer, Henry      Swab, Jacob
Knarr, Franklin                   Seesholtz, Win. E.
Kreamer, Daniel W. Swartz, John A.
Knight, Fred H.      Sholly, Adam S.
Lahr, Peter             Shaffer, Michael S.
Lahr, Daniel D.      Shiffer, Wm. H. H.
Long, John C.                     Templin, Stephen
Lumbard, Joseph A. Ulsh, Joseph S.
Leider, Jacob                      Ulrich, James P.
Mark, John T.                     Ulrich, Lot
Millhof, Elias
Millhoff, Lewis

     The above is a correct roster of the original company, as well as the first non-commissioned officers appointed by the officers, but by the discharge of Sergeant Lloyd and the transfer of Corp. Shrawder to the 14th United States Regular, other changes soon followed.
John A. Swartz was the first member of the company to desert, which he did on the 25th of September.  No effort was ever made to compel him to return. 
The company mustered all told, rank and file 88 men.  An effort was made during our stay at Harrisburg to have it recruited up to the maximum number, 101 men, and the following recruits to the company were secured.
 Bastian, Joseph F.
 Hoffer, Peter H.
Marks, Cyrus
Shearer, Jacob
Waughen, Wm. Henry H.
All of the above, excepting Hoffer, deserted, which take with Swartz, Daniel Lahr who also deserted, and Lloyd , discharged with Shrawder transferred, the company reduced to 80 men.

The name of Rev. Hall, who had died from an attack of small-pox and who lied buried in the Even. Lutheran Cemetery in Selinsgrove never had his name on the company roll, as he was endeavoring to secure Chaplaincy.


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